O Ysbryd Sanctaidd cymmer di

(Deisyfiadau am yr Ysbryd Glân)
Rhan III
O Ysbryd Sanctaidd, cymmer di
  Yn awr o eiddo Crist:
Eglura a mynega i ni
  Nes lloni'n henaid trist.

I bob gwirionedd tywys ni,
  I beri in' gael byw;
Can's chwilio pobpeth yr wyt ti
  O ddyfnion bethau Duw.

O Ysbryd Sanctaidd, dwg ni 'mlaen
  Trwy'r dyrys anial dir;
Bydd ini'n golofn niwl a thân,
  Nawdd a goleuni gwir.
John Hughes 1775-1854

Tôn [MC 8686]: Warwick (Samuel J Stanley 1767-1822)

  Rhan I: Anfon O Dduw yr Ysbryd Glân
  Rhan II: Yn ôl d'addewid Iesu mawr

(Petitions for the Holy Spirit)
Part III
O Holy Spirit, take thou
  Now from what is Christ's:
Elucidate and communicate to us
  Until it cheer our sad soul.

To all truth lead us,
  To cause us to receive life;
Since thou dost search everything
  From the depths of the things of God.

O Holy Spirit, lead us on
  Through the troublesome desert land;
Be to us a pillar of cloud and fire,
  A refuge and a true light.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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